Freexian announces Extended LTS for Debian 10

Debian 10 will be supported by Freexian up to June 2029

Organizations with production systems that are still running Debian 10 (“Buster”) should be aware that the Debian project’s security support commitment (as announced at the time of release) will end on June 30th 2024.

If upgrading to a newer Debian release is not an option for them, then they should consider subscribing to Freexian’s Extended LTS to get security support for the packages that they are using on their servers.

Support periods

In addition to Debian 10, Freexian’s Extended LTS currently supports Debian 8 (“Jessie”), until June 30th 2025, and Debian 9 (“Stretch”) until June 30th 2027.

We would like to invite organizations using more recent Debian releases to consider sponsoring the Debian LTS team. The Debian LTS team will shift its focus to Debian 11 (“Bullseye”), taking over the support from the regular Debian security team in August 2024.

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