Like each month, have a look at the work funded by Freexian’s Debian LTS offering.
Debian LTS contributors
In July, 13 contributors have been paid to work on Debian LTS, their reports are available:
- Bastien Roucariès did 20.0h (out of 20.0h assigned).
- Chris Lamb did 18.0h (out of 18.0h assigned).
- Daniel Leidert did 5.0h (out of 4.0h assigned and 6.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 5.0h to the next month.
- Guilhem Moulin did 8.75h (out of 4.5h assigned and 15.5h from previous period), thus carrying over 11.25h to the next month.
- Lee Garrett did 51.5h (out of 10.5h assigned and 43.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 2.0h to the next month.
- Lucas Kanashiro did 5.0h (out of 5.0h assigned and 15.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 15.0h to the next month.
- Markus Koschany did 40.0h (out of 40.0h assigned).
- Ola Lundqvist did 4.0h (out of 10.0h assigned and 14.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 20.0h to the next month.
- Roberto C. Sánchez did 5.0h (out of 5.25h assigned and 6.75h from previous period), thus carrying over 7.0h to the next month.
- Santiago Ruano Rincón did 6.0h (out of 16.0h assigned), thus carrying over 10.0h to the next month.
- Sean Whitton did 2.25h (out of 6.0h assigned), thus carrying over 3.75h to the next month.
- Sylvain Beucler did 39.5h (out of 2.5h assigned and 51.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 14.0h to the next month.
- Thorsten Alteholz did 11.0h (out of 11.0h assigned).
Evolution of the situation
In July, we have released 1 DLA.
August will be the month that Debian 11 makes the transition to LTS. Our contributors have already been hard at work with preparatorty tasks and also with making contributions to packages in Debian 11 in close collaboration with the Debian security team and package maintainers. As a result, users and sponsors should not observe any especially notable differences as the transition occurs.
While only one DLA was released in July (as a result of the transitional state of Debian 11 “bullseye”), there were some notable highlights. LTS contributor Guilhem Moulin prepared an update of libvirt for Debian 11 (in collaboration with the Old-Stable Release Managers and the Debian Security Team) to fix a number of outstanding CVEs which did not rise to the level of a DSA by the Debian Security Team. The update prepared by Guilhem will be included in Debian 11 as part of the final point release at the end of August, one of the final transition steps by the Release Managers as Debian 11 moves entirely to the LTS Team’s responsibility. Notable work was also undertaken by contributors Lee Garrett (fixes on the ansible test suite and a bullseye update), Lucas Kanashiro (Rust toolchain, utilized by the clamav, firefox-esr, and thunderbird packages), and Sylvain Beucler (fixes on the ruby2.5/2.7 test suites and CI infrastructure), which will help improve the quality of updates produced during the next LTS cycle.
June was the final month of LTS for Debian 10 (as announced on the debian-lts-announce mailing list). No additional Debian 10 security updates will be made available on security.debian.org.
However, Freexian and its team of paid Debian contributors will continue to maintain Debian 10 going forward for customers of the Extended LTS offer. Subscribe right away if you still have Debian 10 systems which must be kept secure (and which cannot yet be upgraded).
Thanks to our sponsors
Sponsors that joined recently are in bold.
- Platinum sponsors:
- TOSHIBA (for 106 months)
- Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) (for 74 months)
- VyOS Inc (for 38 months)
- Gold sponsors:
- Roche Diagnostics International AG (for 116 months)
- Linode (for 110 months)
- Babiel GmbH (for 100 months)
- Plat’Home (for 99 months)
- CINECA (for 74 months)
- University of Oxford (for 56 months)
- Deveryware (for 43 months)
- EDF SA (for 28 months)
- Dataport AöR (for 3 months)
- Silver sponsors:
- Domeneshop AS (for 121 months)
- Nantes Métropole (for 115 months)
- Univention GmbH (for 107 months)
- Université Jean Monnet de St Etienne (for 107 months)
- Ribbon Communications, Inc. (for 101 months)
- Exonet B.V. (for 91 months)
- Leibniz Rechenzentrum (for 85 months)
- Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Étrangères (for 69 months)
- Cloudways by DigitalOcean (for 58 months)
- Dinahosting SL (for 56 months)
- Bauer Xcel Media Deutschland KG (for 50 months)
- Platform.sh SAS (for 50 months)
- Moxa Inc. (for 44 months)
- sipgate GmbH (for 42 months)
- OVH US LLC (for 40 months)
- Tilburg University (for 40 months)
- GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (for 31 months)
- Soliton Systems K.K. (for 28 months)
- THINline s.r.o. (for 4 months)
- Bronze sponsors:
- Evolix (for 121 months)
- Seznam.cz, a.s. (for 121 months)
- Intevation GmbH (for 118 months)
- Linuxhotel GmbH (for 118 months)
- Daevel SARL (for 117 months)
- Bitfolk LTD (for 116 months)
- Megaspace Internet Services GmbH (for 116 months)
- Greenbone AG (for 115 months)
- NUMLOG (for 115 months)
- WinGo AG (for 114 months)
- Entr’ouvert (for 105 months)
- Adfinis AG (for 103 months)
- Tesorion (for 98 months)
- GNI MEDIA (for 97 months)
- Laboratoire LEGI - UMR 5519 / CNRS (for 97 months)
- Bearstech (for 89 months)
- LiHAS (for 89 months)
- Catalyst IT Ltd (for 84 months)
- Supagro (for 79 months)
- Demarcq SAS (for 78 months)
- Université Grenoble Alpes (for 64 months)
- TouchWeb SAS (for 56 months)
- SPiN AG (for 53 months)
- CoreFiling (for 49 months)
- Institut des sciences cognitives Marc Jeannerod (for 44 months)
- Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Grenoble (for 40 months)
- Tem Innovations GmbH (for 35 months)
- WordFinder.pro (for 34 months)
- CNRS DT INSU Résif (for 33 months)
- Alter Way (for 26 months)
- Institut Camille Jordan (for 16 months)
- SOBIS Software GmbH